Welcome to Sniffer Dog™. This chapter is intended to get you up and running quickly using the sample test file supplied with this software.
Insert Sniffer Dog™ disk 1 into the 3.5 inch disk drive. To install Sniffer Dog™, double-click on the Sniffer Dog™ Installer icon.
After the main installer window comes up, type in your personal serial number in the space provided. The serial for the demo version of Sniffer Dog™ is LGAM83K88C. If you wish to install the software on an external hard disk, you can change drives by clicking Switch Disk.
After you enter your personal serial number, click the Install button to proceed with the installation.
If your computer has an optional FPU (floating point processor) and is not a Power Macintosh, you will be prompted to choose between installing the optimized FPU version of Sniffer Dog™, or the standard version. Choosing the optimized version will give you the best refresh rate (the number of graphics frames drawn per second) but will require significantly more memory (2900K when run in 512 x 322 mode).
After the successful completion of the installation, a new folder named Sniffer Dog™ Folder will appear in the main directory of the chosen install volume.
It is not necessary to restart your computer after the installation. Open the Sniffer Dog™ Folder to view the newly installed files.
Creating your own test file using the Teacher Utility
To create your own test file, double-click on the Teacher Utility icon.
Enter your name (the teacher's name) and press return. Select New from the file menu to create a new test file. The test edit dialog will automatically appear when creating a new test file. To enter a new question, select Insert.
Next, select the question type you want to add to the test file. When you finish entering your question and answers, exit the edit mode by selecting Exit. Close the test file and exit the utility.
If you want the Sniffer Dog™ game to use this new test file, drag and drop the file into the Sniffer Dog™ Folder and rename the test file Sniffer
Data. The Sniffer Dog™ application searches for a file by this name (Sniffer Data ) and uses it's content the next time the application is run. Be careful not to replace any old Sniffer Data files you want to save for a later test session.
Playing Sniffer Dog™
To run Sniffer Dog™, double-click on the Sniffer Dog™ icon. If your monitor is not in 256 color mode, you will be prompted to switch modes. The first time you run Sniffer Dog™, you will also be prompted to select a screen size. If you are running on a slower machine, (IIsi, LC, IIci, IIx), you may want to choose the smaller screen size of 512 x 322. This will improve the refresh rate of the game.
Keyboard Commands:
To turn left ----> Left arrow or J
To turn right ----> Right arrow or L
To move forward ----> Up arrow or I
To move backward ----> Down arrow or M
Sniff (Investigate) ----> S
Help ----> H
Space Bar ----> Grid and Compass turns ON/OFF
Mouse Commands:
To change or select movement directions, click on the appropriate end point (N, S, W, E, etc.) on the compass. To move forward after selecting a direction, click on the compass end point again. Any portion of the compass which points directly up shows your current direction.
Note: You cannot move backwards with a mouse command.
Click on the SNIFF button or press S when you have arrived at a clue you wish to investigate.
Click on the HELP button or press H when you get lost and need help finding your next clue.
Sniffer Dog™ is intended to be used as an educational testing and learning tool. The Teacher Utility provides a way for educators to create their own test files. These test files are used by the Sniffer Dog™ application to help the student learn the subject matter, and also to help the help evaluate the student's current knowledge of that subject. Sniffer Dog™ does not contain any hard coded subject matter. Compass and map skills are learned by the student as a byproduct of the exploration of Sniffer's virtual world.
The subject matter is up to the teacher to freely choose. Create and maintain a database of test files for your students unique and educational interactive experience.
You may customize Sniffer Dog™ for your students needs by using the Teacher Utility. For example, you may limit your students' playing time.
Network support allows you to keep track of the testing progress over a local network.You may send messages to individual students or all students as a group. You may terminate games and check a student's progress from any networked Macintosh running the Teacher Utility.
From the Student's Perspective
Safe-cracker Sam escaped from prison and is trying to recover his stolen cash. You (Sniffer Dog) have been assigned to capture Sam and recover the money. To do this, you must find the clues Sam left behind and answer his questions. The more questions you answer correctly, the better your chances of capturing Sam and recovering the money. Refer to Chapter 4 for instructions on how to investigate clues once you find them.
When a question is answered correctly, the game informs the student of the grid area and the object the next clue is near. An incorrect answer provides the student the general direction of the next clue, but will not tell the student what object it is near. The student with the highest number of correct answers will usually finish first. The clues will eventually lead to the stolen money. Not all students will find the money. A grade of less than 80% will result in the student finding the location of the stolen money, but Sam the Safe-cracker will have already beaten you to the cash. A grade between 80 to 99% will result in the student finding the money, but not Sam. With a grade of 100% you will capture Sam and find the loot. Each test is individually evaluated based upon how many questions were correctly answered by the student.
System Requirements
To use Sniffer Dog™, you must have at least a 68020 processor based Macintosh with a minimum of 4 megabytes of main memory, System 7.0 or later, and a 512 x 384 resolution monitor.
Sniffer Dog™ also requires 256 colors/shades of gray. It will not run in any other monitor configuration. It is recommended you have 8 megabytes of main memory if running System 7.5 or later, or when using large test files in combination with the FPU or Power Macintosh version of Sniffer Dog™.
Considering your Preferences Choices
To get the best refresh rate when playing Sniffer Dog™ avoid using virtual memory, RAM "expansion" programs, and screen savers. Also, avoid running other programs simultaneously with Sniffer Dog™. Make sure all desk accessories and Control Panels are closed. Otherwise, you may notice a slower, "choppier" refresh rate. The smaller the screen, the less detail, the faster the game plays.
There are many customizations available to improve the performance of Sniffer Dog™. To configure the preferences, choose Preferences from the Sniffer Dog™ edit menu before starting a new game.
Depending on the speed of your computer, you may want to turn off the background sound or the grid detail. These effects enhance the gaming experience, but they may make gameplay too slow on some older machines. Owners of slower machines will more than likely need to run with these two options disabled. You may also want to consider turning off thunderstorms and increasing you turning and travel speed to their maximum values.
On fast machines (PowerMacs, 68040 equipped Macintoshes), you may want to consider reducing your turning and travel speed and switching all available preferences on. This will make the game more playable and allow you to move through doors more effectively.
When you get near an object, the game will automatically slow you down so you can effectively manipulate around the object. To turn this automatic slow-down option off for trees, choose the Automatic sub-menu from the Preferences menu and uncheck Slow Down Near Trees.
Try custom configuring all preferences to yield the performance you desire.
Note: If you change the screen size during the game, the change will not take
affect until you restart the game.
Configuring Memory Settings
Although Sniffer Dog™ was designed to run on a system with as little as 2400K of available memory, under typical conditions, Sniffer Dog™ will require more memory. The screen size, amount of test questions, and size of test questions all play an important part in determining how much memory Sniffer Dog™ needs.
Providing more than the minimum 2400K will allow you to use larger test files and full size windows for gameplay.
If Sniffer Dog™ needs more memory, it will display a dialog box when run describing the low memory condition and telling you how much extra memory it needs. The preferred memory size for the Sniffer Dog™ application can be set by selecting the paw icon, and choosing Get Info from the File menu of the Finder.
Select the old Preferred size setting, add the amount Sniffer Dog™ needs to the old amount, and type it in.
Summary of your System Level options to speed-up Sniffer Dog™
To get the maximum performance from this product, follow these simple suggestions when using any graphics and sound intensive application.
Make sure all Control Panels, Desk Accessories, and other applications are closed before running the Sniffer Dog™ application. Temporarily disable any screen savers that may be installed in your Control Panels or Extensions folder. Disable Virtual Memory (if you don't need it) by using the Memory
The Teacher Utility provides a parent or educator with the ability to create and manage multiple test files. These test files can be used by the Sniffer Dog™ application to test a student on any subject the educator desires. Tests are limited to a maximum of 100 questions.
Question Types
Each test question created must be in one of the four basic question formats listed below.
True / False
Multiple Choice (3 answers)
Multiple Choice (4 answers)
Reading Comprehension
Choose one of these formats for each question you intend to add to your test file. Although reading comprehension questions consists of a reading paragraph followed by a question, the reading comprehension question is counted as a single question, and caution must be taken when editing or deleting the follow-up question.
Creating a New Test File
To create a new test file, select New using the file menu. Enter in the name of the new file and click Save. The test edit window will automatically appear after creating a new test file.
To open a test file that already exists, choose Open using the file menu and select the file to open. You can also open any test file by double clicking on it. The Teacher Utility will automatically start and load the selected test file.
Adding & Inserting Questions
To add or insert a new question, select Insert. Next, select the question type you want to add to the test file by choosing one of the four basic question types discussed. After clicking on the question type, a new window appears.
This window is called the question data window.
Enter the question text into the various fields of the question data window. Full editing is supported, so you may want to copy your questions from a previously written document and paste them into the question data window fields.
Selecting the correct answer
When you finish entering your question and answers, select the correct answer by clicking on the checkbox labeled True, False, A, B, C, D, etc.. The Teacher Utility will not let you exit the question data window until you have checked an answer.
If you want to add additional help information for the student, enter the information in the help information window which appears next. It is not required that you supply the student with any help information.
Exiting the Question Edit Mode
After you finish entering the question and optional help data, you will return to the test edit window. If you want to add more questions, follow the same process previously described. When you finish, you can exit the question editing mode by clicking Exit.
Setting the Game Time Limit
In addition to question data, you must supply a time limit for each test file. This time limit determines how long the game will run when using this test. The game will automatically end when the time limit is reached. Several warnings are issued to the student exactly five minutes, and one minute prior to the expiration of the game.
To set this time limit, choose Set Test Time Limit by using the Options menu. Next, select the maximum amount of time you want the student to spend on the test. This value is now part of the test file.
Using Test Files in the Game
Now you are ready to close the test file and use it in the Sniffer Dog™ game. Select Close from the file menu, or quit the utility by choosing Quit.
To use any test file in the Sniffer Dog™ game, rename the test file to Sniffer Data and place it in the Sniffer Dog™ Folder. The Sniffer Dog™ game will use this test file the next time a new game is played.
Viewing Test Results
Every Sniffer Dog™ game which ends normally is recorded in the Sniffer Data test file.
To view tests taken on a particular test file, open the file using the Teacher Utility and choose View Test Results using the Options menu.
The Teacher Utility automatically goes through all tests which were taken using that file. If you wish to print individual test results at this time, click Print.
Clearing Test Results
To clear out old tests, choose Clear Tests after opening the test file. Tests are recorded in the current Sniffer Data test file in sequential order. After clearing out the old tests results, new test results will be recorded into the Sniffer Data test file beginning with the next game played.
Printing Options
The Teacher Utility supports printing student test results, testing status, and tests. When you print a test, it prints out as a standard classroom test containing all of the test questions entered, and the test header. To print a test, choose Print or Print Sorted using the File menu. Choosing Print will print a test with the questions ordered the way you originally entered them. Choosing Print Sorted will print a test with the questions sorted into sections. The sections are grouped as True/False, Multiple Choice, and Reading Comprehension.
Specifying the Test Header
To include a test header at the beginning of your test printout, choose Print Setup using the File menu.
Next, enter your test header information into the test header fields making sure to limit the length of your text to the fields provided (Figure 11).
Then, click Exit to exit the window. When you print your test, this information will be included at the beginning of the first page.
Network Options
If you are running several Sniffer Dog™ games in combination with the Teacher Utility on a local area network configuration, you may want to consider using some of the available network options. All network options are accessed using the Network menu.
To instruct the Teacher Utility to monitor the network, check Network Testing Enabled using the Preferences sub-menu located within the Edit menu.
After checking this option, the Teacher Utility will scan the local network for any Sniffer Dog™ game players currently playing on the network. Each player located on the network will receive a message that indicates you (the teacher) are now supervising the players.
After locating students playing Sniffer Dog™ on the network, you can use the Teacher Utility to send messages, terminate games, or check statistics.
To access these functions, choose the option using the Network menu and
follow the directions given.
A maximum of 50 students plus the Teacher Utility are allowed on the network at any one time.
The Teacher Utility will be notified when a student finishes his/her game, or
prematurely exits the Sniffer Dog™ application. When this happens, the test results will be recorded in the Sniffer Data file on the student's computer.
The Display Test Progress function allows you to monitor the number of
questions answered, the amount of time left, the number of helps used, and the current score of each student.
To view the student's final score, you must copy the Sniffer Data file to your computer and open it with the Teacher Utility, or, use the Teacher Utility on the student's computer to open and view the test results contained in the Sniffer Data file. The final test results are not transmitted over the network, and are not accessible by the Teacher Utility through the network.
Note: Multiple installations of the same Sniffer Dog™ disk not purchased
under a site license agreement will not run in conjunction with each
other over a local area Macintosh network. You must either purchase
multiple copies of the single user version of Sniffer Dog™, or buy a
site license copy. The site license version will function properly on
a network after multiple installations.
Other Preferences
The Teacher Utility asks you to enter your name the first time it is run following the initial installation. If you wish to change this name, select Change Teacher's Name using the Preferences sub-menu located within the Edit menu. This name is transmitted to each student after the Teacher Utility is run when using the network based options.
To run Sniffer Dog™, double-click on the Sniffer Dog™ icon. If your monitor is not in 256 color mode, you will be prompted to switch modes. The first time you run Sniffer Dog™, you will also be prompted to select a screen size. If you are running on a slower machine, (IIsi, LC, IIci, IIx), you may want to choose the smaller screen size of 512 x 322. This will greatly improve the refresh rate of the game.
Keyboard Commands:
To turn left ------> Left arrow or J
To turn right ------> Right arrow or L
To move forward ------> Up arrow or I
To move backward ------> Down arrow or M
Sniff (Investigate) ------> S
Help ------> H
Space Bar ------> Grid and Compass turns ON/OFF
If you wish to control movement by using the mouse, click the part of the compass you wish to change your direction to, and click on it again to move forward after facing that direction.
Any portion of the compass which points directly up shows your current direction. To travel that direction, click on that segment of the compass.
Note: You cannot move backwards with a mouse command.
Click on the SNIFF button or press S when you have arrived at a clue you wish to investigate.
Click on the HELP button or press H when you get lost and need help finding your next clue.
Looking for Clues
As described in the overview section, the object of the game is to find Sam the Safe-cracker and the stolen money.
To find Sam, follow the clues given by the game and proceed to the next grid area to find your clue. Every clue is associated with a visual object. Some clues are inside houses and buildings and can only be seen after entering the structure. To enter a house or building, you must go through the door. If you don't see a clue inside a structure, you are probably near the wrong object. By continuing to search and using your help, you will eventually find your clue.
After you see the clue (Sam's shoe print), travel directly over it and press S or click the SNIFF button. Sniffer's panting will tell you when you are directly over the clue.
Answering the Questions
After sniffing a clue, a new question will appear on the screen. To receive additional information or hints as to the correct answer, click on the HELP button. Choose your answer by clicking on the letter that corresponds to the answer text or by pressing T, F, A, B, C, or D.
If you are unsure about the answer, you can come back to the question later by selecting Try Later. If you choose Try Later, the question will get moved to the end of the question list and will re-appear towards the end of the game.
All questions must be answered in order to find the stolen money's location. If you choose to not answer a question, the question will be counted as incorrect and you will be allowed to proceed to your next clue. A correct answer yields a hint which points you to your next clue's grid zone and tells you what object the clue is near. An incorrect answer will only tell you the general direction of your next clue.
After answering all of the questions, you will find the stolen money's location. If your time expires before answering all of the questions, your current status at the time the game ended will be recorded in the Sniffer Data file.
Sniffer Dog™ has many preferences which allow you to change the way the game looks and plays. Many of these preferences deal with graphics detail and sound. The rule of thumb is, any preference which deals with graphics detail or sound can be disabled and will cause the Sniffer Dog™ game to increase the speed at which it plays. The preferences are generally self-explanatory so this manual will not go into much detail on using the them with the exception of the three Macintosh general preference options. These three options, when used, have the affect of setting all of the other preferences to pre-defined values appropriate for the type of Macintosh you are running the software on.
If you are running Sniffer Dog™ on a 68030 or 68020 based Macintosh, choose Set Prefs Other Macintosh to obtain the maximum performance (refresh rate) from the Sniffer Dog™ game.
If you are running Sniffer Dog™ on a 68040 or 68LC040 based Macintosh, choose Set Prefs 68040 Macintosh to obtain the maximum performance from the Sniffer Dog™ game running on a 68040 based Macintosh.
If you are running Sniffer Dog™ on a Power Macintosh, choose Set Prefs Power Macintosh to obtain the maximum performance and detail from the Sniffer Dog™ game running on a Power Macintosh. Choosing the Power Macintosh preference option also changes the type of title presentation that is displayed at the beginning of the program.
Other preferences allow you to disable or enable the following:
Sound Effects Used for noise reduction in classroom
Auto slow down near trees Disabling speeds up the game
Auto speed up when objects Enabling speeds up the game
when objects are off the screen
Travel and Turning Speed Used to control movement speed
Select the preferences which are most appropriate for your computer. If you want to set the preferences of Sniffer Dog™ on multiple computers the same way, copy the Sniffer Dog™ Prefs file located in your Preferences folder (which is inside your System Folder) to every computer you intend to run Sniffer Dog™ on after installing Sniffer Dog™ from the main installer disks. Please make sure each computer you copy the preferences file to can support the screen size you chose.
If you encounter any internal errors while playing Sniffer Dog™, you will be notified by a dialog box which displays Internal Error Code xx (where xx denotes the error code). If this situation occurs, contact Neptune Systems and we will try to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.
If any network based errors occur, check your network connection and make sure AppleTalk is turned on in the Chooser. If all else fails, restart your Macintosh and try again.
Any other errors which may occur may be a sign that memory is low. Try to increase the memory requirements of Sniffer Dog™ or the Teacher Utility to a higher limit if you have the memory to spare. If this fails to remedy the situation, please contact Neptune Systems and we will try to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.